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Wed, May 12, 21.

The Angel of Yahweh Compared to the Angel of Daniel 10



Angel of Yahweh

Ezekiel’s Glory of Yahweh

Angel of Dan 10

Angel of Rev 10

Jesus Christ


  • Man [Gen 1:26-27]
  • Like a man [Gen 32:24 cf., Hos 12:3-5]
  • Man [Eze 1:26]
  • Man [Dan 10:5,16]
  • Man
  • Man [Php 2:5-9]


  • Not described
  • Must have been extremely bright
  • “… like lightning” [Dan 10:6]
  • Like the Sun [Rev 10:1]
  • Like the Sun [Mat 17:2; Rev 1:16]


  • Fiery
    God is a "consuming fire" [Deut 4:24], It goes without saying that His eyes are fiery.
  • Fiery
    He appeared as flames of fire in the Burning Bush [Exo 3:2]
  • Fiery
    His body was all fiery, his eyes would most certainly have been as well.
  • “…like flaming torches” [Dan 10:6]
  • His eyes would have been on fire
    with fiery legs and a face like the sun, his eyes would have been on fiery
  • Eyes like fire [Rev 1:14]


  • Roar as a Lion
    • In the Day of Yahweh [Joe 3:16; Amos 1:2; Hos 11:10 cf., Isa 42:13; Jer 25:30]
    • In connection to prophecy [Amos 3:8]
  • Majestic voice
    • It will be heard by men when Yahweh comes in the Day of Yahweh [Isa 31:30-31]
  • Psa 29
  • Mighty voice
    It was he who gave the Law to Israel, therefore, it was his voice that the Israelites heard in the wilderness at Mount Sinai [Deut 5:22]
  • Voice not particularly described
  • Voice of many waters [Eze 10:15; 43:2 cf., Eze 1:24]
  • “…his voice like the sound of a multitude” [Dan 10:6]
  • Roar of a Lion  [Rev 10:3]
    • His lion-like roar is connected to prophecy
  • Loud [Joh 11:43-44]
  • Since Jesus is the One who is coming as Yahweh, it means that the prophecies of Yahweh roaring are speaking of Jesus Christ as roaring
    • Voice of many waters

Upper Body

  • He wraps Himself in light as with a garment [Psa 104:2]
  • Fiery
    He appeared as flames of fire in the Burning Bush [Exo 3:2]
  • From his waist up, he looked like glowing metal as if full of fire [Eze 1:27]
  • “…like chrysolite” [Dan 10:6]
  • Clothes were as bright as lightening [Luk 9:29]


  • Fiery
    God is a "consuming fire" [Deut 4:24], therefore, His legs must be fiery.
  • Fiery
    He appeared as flames of fire in the Burning Bush [Exo 3:2]
  • Fiery pillars [Eze 1:27]
  • “…like the gleam of burnished bronze” [Dan 10:6]
  • Fiery pillars [Rev 10:1]
  • Fiery
    He is the exact representation of God's glory [Heb 1:3[


  • A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne
  • [Rev 4:3]
  • Brilliant light like a rainbow surrounded him [Eze 1:27-28]
  • None
  • Rainbow above his head [Rev 10:1]


  • He rides on the clouds [Psa 68:4; 18:9]
  • He spoke from the cloud [Psa 81:7; 99:7; Job 38:1]
  • Clouds and thick darkness surround him [Psa 97:1; 2Chron 6:1]
  • Dwelled in the Pillar of Cloud and fire [Exo 14:19]
  • Came in a mighty cloud [Eze 1:4]
  • None
  • Robbed in a Cloud [Rev 10:1]
  • A bright cloud enveloped Jesus (and Moses and Elijah) [Mat 17:5; Mar 9:7; Luk 9:34]
  • Jesus will come on the Clouds of Heaven [Mat 24:30; 26:64; Mar 13:26; 14:62-63; Luk 21:27; 1Thes 4:17; Rev 1:7]
  • Went up in a cloud [Act 1:9]

Authority over the Earth

  • Yes
    • Yahweh has authority over all the earth [Gen 18:25; Jos 3:11,13; Psa 24:1]
  • Yes
    • Authority over all men [Eze 18:4]
    • The earth belongs to Yahweh the King of Glory [Psa 24:7-10 cf., Psa 24:1]
  • Since he is not Israel’s Captain, then he is clearly not a Captain over any nation
  • Yes
    • He had power over the land and sea, symbolized by his placing his legs over the land and the sea [Rev 10:2]
  • Yes
    • He has authority over all things— [Mat 28:18; Heb 1:2]
    • God has given him authority over all men [Joh 5:22,27; 17:2]

Authority over the Two Witnesses

  • Yes
    • It goes without saying
  • Yes
    • Being the One through whom God commissioned and empowered Moses, he certainly has authority over Moses [Exo 3:2,10; Act 7:35; cf., Exo 7:1],
    • And if Moses, then over Elijah as well

  • No
    • He is apparently not Daniel’s Lord, and if he wasn’t Daniel’s Lord, then he certainly is not Moses’ and Elijah’s Lord
  • Yes
    • The two witnesses (i.e., Moses and Elijah) are his servants—he calls them “my two witnesses” [Rev 11:3]
  • Yes
    • The two witnesses (i.e., Moses and Elijah) are his servants—He is called their Lord [Rev 11:8]

Authority to Determine World Events

  • Yes
    • Certainly (It goes without saying)

  • Yes

  • [Rev 10:5-7]
  • He has power over prophetic events to determine what will be and when—“Heaven and earth will pass… but my words will never pass away” [Mat 24:]

Prophecy /

Word of God

  • He is the source of Prophecy [Amos 3:8]
  • Gave the prophet Balaam what to say [Num 22:35]
  • Anointed the 70 elders to assist Moses [Num 11:25-26]

  • Had a great knowledge of prophecy  [Dan 11:1; 12:6-7]
  • He had a little scroll open in his hand which evidently contained prophecies and commanded John to prophecy [Rev 10:2,7,9-11]
  • [Rev 19:10]

Relationship to Israel

  • He is the God of Israel
  • He is the protector of Israel  [Exo 23:20-23; Gen 48:15-16]
  • As per the division of men into nations, he is the Son of God over Israel [Deut 32:8-9]
  • He is the God of Israel [Eze 10:20 cf., Eze 8:4]
  • He did not speak of Israel in a personal way
    • “…I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future” [Dan 10:14]
    • The Angel of Yahweh wouldn’t have spoken like this.
  • The two witnesses who were his ministered in Jerusalem with the objective of bringing her to repentance [Rev 11:3,8]
  • Among the nations, Israel was his own [Joh 1:10-11]
  • He wept over Jerusalem [Mat 24:]